Contributor: Ben Nardolilli
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I embrace the idols of the tribe,
but such statues as I find beautiful,
and which I can hold together,
many statues
from many tribes,
I celebrate tricolors,
and wrap myself in sashes
to cover up the differences
that might be mistaken
for cross-cultural gashes,
ignoring the calls the tribe,
the calls centered on the idols
prayers for their protection
requiring sacrifice of blood,
atonement to ancestors,
I avoid them with the clamor
the marketplace provides
so generously,
I hide in the Babel tent of noise until
such war calls pass,
but before the idols of the market,
all the identities for sell,
I do not bow,
It is the advantage of the age
to be able to run like this,
no heritage under a copyright
no swords to clash for battered books.
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Ben Nardolilli currently lives in Arlington, Virginia. His work has appeared in Perigee Magazine, Red Fez, Danse Macabre, The 22 Magazine, Quail Bell Magazine, Elimae, fwriction, THEMA, Pear Noir, The Minetta Review, and Yes Poetry. He has a chapbook Common Symptoms of an Enduring Chill Explained, from Folded Word Press. He blogs at and is looking to publish his first novel.
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